benefits of palm oil on skin and health

3 Benefits Of Palm Oil That Makes It Good For Your Skin

What are the benefits of palm oil? Is it a good ingredient for foods? Find out.

Palm oil is an edible oil derived from the fruits of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), belonging to Palmaceae family. It is an important and versatile vegetable oil that is used as a raw material for both food and non-food industries.

Most of the oil is used for food applications such as cooking, margarines, spreads, confectionary fats, ice cream, emulsifiers, and vanaspati.

Being a vegetable oil, palm oil is cholesterol-free. It has a unique fatty acid and triacylglycerol profile. It is naturally semi-solid at room temperature and does not require hydrogenation for use as a food ingredient.

Palm oil is a rich source of carotenoids and tocopherols, which confer natural stability against oxidative deterioration.

Below are benefits you derive from adding palm oil to your food ingredients:

1. Promotes Heart Health

The first and most notable benefit of palm oil is that is improves your heart health becaus of the presence of Vitamin E in it.

The antioxidant effects of vitamin E found in palm oil seem to reduce or even halt the progression of heart disease in some patients.

While more studies need to be done to replicate this effect, palm oil extract may be useful for people fighting heart disease

Palm oil has a unique fatty acid and TAG profile, which makes it suitable for a number of food applications.

Palm oil is also used as a source of fatty acids, vitamin E, and emulsifiers. This is more reason why you must avoid adulterated palm oil.

Fractionation of palm oil results in various fractions with distinct physical and chemical properties.

They used customized blends of these fractions with other oils in different food products, ranging from margarines to soup mixes.

2. Better Brain Health

Researchers found out that the vitamin E found in palm oil to improved brain health.

This form of vitamin E, known as tocotrienol, has been shown to protect brain tissue from dangerous free radicals more effectively than other antioxidants.

In fact, one study showed that palm oil tocotrienols may even halt the progression of brain lesions.

Though this extraction of these Vitamin E depends on how the palm oil is processed.

Yet, more studies are needed to further support these findings.

3. Vitamin Absorption

Palm oil may help increase the amount of vitamin A can absorb, which is a critical vitamin for your retinas and general eye health.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that you need fat in your diet to absorb the vitamin efficiently.

Adding palm oil to your diet has been shown to increase your body’s ability to absorb vitamin A, and presumably other fat-soluble vitamins.

Which is supposed to be rich in Tocopherols, have a good cholesterol and help to maintain a good balance of cholesterol, enhance vision, prevent anti aging and have a high level of HDL.

If you want to enjoy these benefits of palm oil and many more, contact Blossom Foods for your next bottle.

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